WV Alangui
Professor of Mathematics
Department of Mathematics & Computer Science
College of Science
University of the Philippines Baguio
I'm Wilfredo Vidal Alangui, an indigenous person from northern Philippines, a Kankana-ey-Ilocano, and a faculty of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science in the College of Science, UP Baguio. My research interest is on the interplay of mathematics and culture, encompassing disciplines like philosophy, anthropology, sociology, history and ecology. I stepped into then UP College Baguio as a student in 1982, and joined the academic staff in 1986.
As a mathematician and mathematics educator, my teaching, research, public, and extension work are largely informed and dictated by an interdisciplinary and critical perspective arising from my academic training and my being an indigenous person and activist.
You may call me Willy :-)
PhD (Mathematics Education), 2010
The University of Auckland
Auckland, New Zealand
MSc (Mathematics), 1993
University of the Philippines Diliman
Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines
BSc (Mathematics), 1985
University of the Philippines Baguio
Baguio City, Philippines
University Scientist II (2021-2023)
University Scientist I (2018-2020)
One UP Professorial Chair Awardee (2019-2021)
Recipient, ERASMUS + Teaching Mobility Program, University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece (27 June to 7 July 2022)
Fellow, 2019 Australian Executive Leadership Program Department of Education and Training, Australian Government (5 April to 4 July 2019)
Second Vice President, International Study Group on Ethnomathematics (2020 to present)
Regional Coordinator (Asia), International Network of Ethnomathematics (2019 to present)
Expert Member, Task Force on Indigenous and Local Knowledge, 2nd Work Programme, Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) for the intersessional period between IPBES 10 (2023) and IPBES 13 (2026) Plenaries.
Expert Member, Task Force on Indigenous and Local Knowledge (2014-2018) of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)
Chair, Board of Trustees, Cordillera Disaster Response and Development Services (2007 to present)
Chair, Philippine Board of Trustees; Member, Global Board, Indigenous Peoples Rights International (2019 to present)
International Advisory Board, The Cordillera Review: Journal on Philippine Culture and Society, University of the Philippines Baguio (August 2021 to present)
International Editorial Board Member, The Maldives National Journal of Research, Maldives National University (June 2021 to present)
International Editorial Board Member, Journal of Research and Advances in Mathematics Education(October 2019 to present)
Editor-in-Chief, The Cordillera Review: Journal of Philippine Culture and Society (2016-2018)
Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (2012-2015)
Dean, College of Science (2006-2012)
President, All UP Academic Employees Union-Baguio (February 2023 – January 2026)
National Vice President for Faculty, All UP Academic Employees Union (March 2022 to January 2023)
National Board Member, All UP Academic Employees Union (May 2020 to February 2022)
Vice President for Faculty, All UP Academic Employees Union, Baguio Chapter (August 2019–April 2020)
President, Timpuyog Dagiti Mangisursuro ti UP College Baguio (1996-1998)
Mathematics (Algebra, Topological Data Analysis)
Mathematics Education (Ethnomathematics; Culturally Relevant Mathematics Education); Indigenous Peoples’ Education, Inclusive Education, Indigenous Knowledge
Project Leader, Indigenous Knowledge on Landslides and Soil Stabilization among the Peoples of the Cordillera – funded by the Department of Science and Technology-Cordillera Administrative Region (September 2022 – November 2023)
Co-Project Leader, Profiling State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) in the Cordillera on the Integration of Indigenous Peoples Education in Higher Education Curricula – funded by the Cordillera Studies Center, UP Baguio through its Interdisciplinary/Inter College Team Research Grants (November 2019-September 2021)
(2010 to present)
Alangui, WV, Porokwa, E., Dolma Sherpa, P., Deli-deli, G., Masinaring, M., Carino, J., et. al. (2020). Indigenous Concepts and Values on Sustainability among Indigenous Peoples in Tanzania, Nepal and the Philippines. A project funded by Tebtebba Foundation, November 2018-July 2020.
Alangui, WV, Dolma Sherpa, P., Alim, J., Hien, V., et. al. (2018). Customary Tenure and REDD+: Ensuring Benefits for Indigenous Peoples. A project funded by the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility and Tebtebba Foundation, June 16, 2017 -September 30, 2018.
Alangui, WV, Abayao, L., Abansi, C., De Guzman, M.V., See, B., Padilla, M.T., Alim, J. & Kitma, A. (2017). Asserting and Respecting Indigenous Peoples’ Rights for the Next Generation. A project funded by the UNICEF and the Office of the High Commission on Human Rights and Tebtebba Foundation, May 2016-September 2017.
De Villa, T. & Alangui, WV (2013). Developing a Curriculum Framework for Indigenous Education. Indigenous Peoples’ Education Office (IPsEO), Department of Education, Republic of the Philippines
Alangui, WV & Caguioa, MC (2012). Protecting the Forest: Learning from the Agawa Women of Besao, Mt. Province. Tebtebba Foundation, Inc.
Alangui, WV (2010). Ethnomathematics as a Slogan System. UP Baguio Faculty Grant.
K. Owens and W. Alangui (2024) (Special Issue Editors). Ethnomathematics: Embracing Diverse Knowledge Systems for Social Justice and Peace. Journal of Mathematics and Culture 18(1).
Alangui, W., Pacio, M. & Stathopoulou, C. (2024). Two educational projects Informed by an ethnomathematics perspective: Igorot and Roma students under the shadow of coloniality. In K. Owens & W. Alangui (Special Issue Eds). Ethnomathematics: Embracing Diverse Knowledge Systems for Social Justice and Peace. Journal of Mathematics and Culture 18(1), 33-52.
Orlove, B., Sherpa, P., Dawson, N., Adelekan, I., Alangui, W., Carmona, R., et. al. (2023). Placing diverse knowledge systems at the core of transformative climate research. Ambio: A Journal of Environment and Society 52(9), 1431-1447.
W. Alangui (2022). Towards a Liberatory Mathematics Education. Revista Latinoamericana de Etnomatemática 15(4), 107-113.
Alangui, WV and Domite, M. (2020). Do Carmo on mutual interrogation and Freire's listening to and speaking with the "Other". In Valle, J., Lunkes Conrado, A., & Coppe, C. (Eds.). O Florescer da Grumixama: raízes, sementes e frutos das pesquisas em Etnomatemática em 20 anos de GEPEm/FEUSP. Paco Editorial, Jundiaí-Sao Paulo.
Alangui, W. V. (2020). Beyond songs and dances: Ethnomathematics and the challenge of culture. Revista Latinoamericana De Etnomatemática, 13(3), 88-107.
Hill, R., Adem, C., Alangui, W.V., Molnar, Z., et. al. (2020). Working with indigenous, local and scientific knowledge in assessments of nature and nature’s linkage with people. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 43, 8-20.
Alangui, W. et. al. (2018). Indigenous Forest Management as a Means for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation. D. Nakashima, I. Krupnik & J.T. Rubis (Eds.). Indigenous Knowledge for Climate Change Assessment and Adaptation. Local and Indigenous Knowledge 2. Cambridge and Paris: Cambridge University Press and UNESCO.
Alangui, W. (2018). Building Stone Walls: A Case Study from the Philippines. In A. Rogers, B. Street, K. Yasukawa & K. Jackson (Eds.). Numeracy as Social Practice: Global and Local Perspectives. Abingdon: Routledge
Alangui, W. (2017). Ethnomathematics and Culturally Relevant Mathematics Education in the Philippines. In M. Rosa, L. Shirley, ME Gavarette & W. Alangui (Eds.). Ethnomathematics and its Diverse Approaches for Mathematics Education. Cham: Springer International Publishing AG.
Rosa, M., Shirley, L., Gavarette, ME & Alangui, W. (Eds.) (2017). Ethnomathematics and its Diverse Approaches for Mathematics Education. Cham: Springer International Publishing AG.
Karki, M., Hill, R., Xue, D., Alangui, W., Ichikawa, K. and Bridgewater, P. (Eds.) (2017). Knowing our Lands and Resources: Indigenous and Local Knowledge and Practices related to Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Asia. Knowledges of Nature 10. Paris: UNESCO
Alangui, W. and Rosa, M. (2016). Role of Ethnomathematics in Mathematics Education. In Rosa, M., D'Ambrosio, U., Orey, D., Shirley, L., Alangui, W., Palhares, P., & Gavarrete, ME (Eds.). Current and Future Perspectives of Ethnomathematics as a Program. Cham: Springer International Publishing AG.
Rosa, M., Ambrosio, U., Orey, D., Shirley, L., Alangui, W., Palhares, P., & Gavarrete, ME (Eds.) (2016). Current and Future Perspectives of Ethnomathematics as a Program. Cham: Springer International Publishing AG.
Magtoto, L., Mones, D., Ballada, K., Austria, C., Dizon, R., Alangui, W., Reginaldo, A., Galvan, W., Dizon, K. and Hetterscheid, W. (2013). Amorphophallus adamsensis (Araceae), a new species from Ilocos Norte, Philippines. Blumea, 2013, 58:267-270.
Ignacio, P.S., Addawe, J., Alangui, W. & Nable, J. (2013). Computation of Square and Cube Roots of p-Adic numbers via Newton Raphson Method. Journal of Mathematics Research 5(2).
Adam, A., Alangui, W., & Barton, B. (2010). Bright lights and Questions: Using Mutual Interrogation. For the Learning of Mathematics, 30(3), 10-16.
Adam, S., Alangui, W., Barton, B. (2003). A Comment on: Rowlands & Carson ‘Where would formal, academic mathematics stand in a curriculum informed by ethnomathematics?’ A critical review. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 52(3), 327-335.
Alangui, W. (2003). Searching for Mathematical Ideas in Stone Walls. L. Bragg, C. Campbell, G. Herbert, & J. Mousley (Eds.) Mathematics Education Research: Innovation, Networking, Opportunity. Proceedings of MERGA 26. Geelong: Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, Melbourne, Australia, 57-64.
Alangui, W., Autagavaia, J., Barton, B., Kensington-Miller, B., Lane, J., Paterson, J., Poleki, A. & Van Den Heuvel, A. (2002). The Mathematics Enhancement Project: The Pilot Phase. In M. Thomas and K. Irwin (Eds.) Proceedings of MERGA 25. Auckland: Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, Auckland, New Zealand, 83-90.
Barton, B., Autagavaia, J., Poleki, A. & Alangui, W. (2002). The Mathematics Enhancement Project: A Theoretical Approach to Research and Development. In P. Valero & O. Skovsmose (Eds.), Proceedings of the Third International Mathematics Education and Society Conference. Copenhagen: Centre for Research in Learning Mathematics, Roskilde University, Copenhagen, Denmark. 144-153
Alangui, W., Autagavaia, J., Barton, B., & Poleki, A. (2001). The Mathematics Enhancement Project: Combining research and development. In J. Bobis, B. Perry and M. Mitchelmore (Eds.) Numeracy and Beyond. Proceedings of MERGA 24. Sydney: Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, Sydney, Australia, 35-42.
Orlove, B., Dawson, N., Sherpa, P., Adelekan,I.O., Alangui, W., Carmona, R., Coen, D., Nelson, M., Reyes-García, V., Rubis, J., Sanago, G., Wilson, A. (2022). Intangible cultural heritage, diverse knowledge systems and climate change. ICSM CHC White Paper I. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 78-2-918086-71-0. https://ueaeprints.uea.ac.uk/id/eprint/88690/
Alangui, W.V. (2020). Synthesis. In Alangui, W. V., et. al. Indigenous Concepts and Values on Sustainability among Indigenous Peoples in Tanzania, Nepal and the Philippines. Baguio: Tebtebba Foundation, Inc., pp. 1-26.
Alangui, W. (2018). Synthesis. In AL Tamayo and R. de Chavez (Eds.). Customary Tenure Systems and REDD+: Ensuring Benefits for Indigenous Peoples. Baguio: Tebtebba Foundation.
Alangui, W., Ichikawa, K., and Takahashi, Y. (Eds.) (2017). Proceedings of the IPBES-JBF Sub-regional Dialogue Workshop on Indigenous and Local Knowledge (ILK) for South-East and North-East Asia Sub-region, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 14-17 October 2016.
Alangui, W. (2016). ‘Framing the Ethnomathematical Process.’ In B. Tapang GC Subido (Eds.). Hoy, Boy! A Festschrift for Delfin L. Tolentino, Jr. Baguio: Cordillera Studies Center.
Alangui, W. (2014). Indigenous Learning Systems in Bagnen. Rufino, R. (Series Editor). IPEd Monograph Series No. 3. Pasig: Department of Education Indigenous Peoples Education Office.
Alangui, W. & Caguioa, MC (2013). Protecting the Forest: Learning from the Agawa Women of Besao, Mt. Province. In R. de Chavez (ed.), Indigenous Peoples, Forests & REDD Plus: Sustaining and Enhancing Forests through Traditional Resource Management (Vol. 2). Baguio: Tebtebba Foundation.
Alangui, W., Subido, G. & Tinda-an, R. (Eds). (2011). Indigenous Women, Climate Change & Forests. Baguio: Tebtebba Foundation.
Alangui, W., Subido, G. & Tinda-an, R. (Eds). (2010). Sustaining & enhancing forests through traditional resource management. Baguio: Tebtebba Foundation.
Rovillos, R. And Alangui, W. (2000). Uri at Kasarian ng Pag-aalsang Tayug. The Journal of History 46 (1-3), 117-146 (came out in 2010).
Alangui, W. (2004). ‘Connecting Indigenous Knowledge of Stone Walling and Water Management with Mathematics and its Implication to Indigenous Peoples' Education’. Proceedings of 4th APRU Doctoral Students' Conference, CD Rom, Unibersidad Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico.
Alangui, W., Autagavaia, J., Barton, B., Kensington-Miller, B., Lane, J., Paterson, J., Poleki, A. & Van Den Heuvel, A. (2003). ‘The Mathematics Enhancement Project: The Pilot Phase’. In M. Thomas (Ed.) The New Zealand Mathematics Magazine 40(1), 23-33.
Alangui, W., Barton, B. (2002). ‘A Methodology for Ethnomathematics’, in M. de Monteiro (ed.), Proceedings of Second International Conference on Ethnomathematics (ICEM2), CD Rom, Lyrium Comunacacao Ltda, Ouro Preto, Brazil.
Alangui, W. (2001). Institutionalising Voluntarism: The University of the Philippines Experience. In M. Khor and L. L. Lim (eds.), Good Practices and Innovative Experiences in the South: Citizen Initiatives in Social Services, Popular Education and Human Rights, v3, 93-112. London: Zed Books, Ltd.
Alangui, W. (1997). Indigenous Learning Systems in a Kankana-ey Community (Mt. Province). Education Research Program, Center for Integrative and Development Studies, University of the Philippines and the Department of Education, Culture and Sports, Bureau of Non-Formal Education, Republic of the Philippines
The Faculty of the Discipline of Mathematics, University of the Philippines College Baguio. (1996). The Algebra of the Weaving Patterns, Gong Music and Kinship System of the Kankana-ey. Education Research Program, Center for Integrative and Development Studies, University of the Philippines and the Department of Education, Culture and Sports, Bureau of Non-Formal Education, Republic of the Philippines
Alangui, W., Lenora Fe S. Brawner and Raymundo D. Rovillos (1994). Learning from Life: An Ethnographic Study of Functional Literacy in Marginal Philippine Communities, Vol. 4 Kala (Ifugao) Site Report. Ma. Luisa C. Doronila, ed. Manila, Philippines: Literacy Coordinating Council of the Philippines and the Department of Education, Culture and Sports and the University of the Philippines.
Formulating an Indigenous Curriculum Framework for Indigenous Peoples’ Education in the Philippines. Keynote Speaker. 2nd Indigenous Mathematics Education Conference (IndigMEC2), Sāmi Allaskuvla (Sāmi University of Applied Sciences), Guovdageaidnu/Kautokeino, Norway. 14th – 16th October 2024.
Defying gravity: Interrogating mathematics and the indigenous practice of stone walling in northern Philippines. The 15th International Congress on Mathematical Education, International Convention Center, Sydney, 7-14 July 2024
Ethnomathematicians as Torch Bearers. Panel on Ubiratan: Luz y retos para la etnomatematica. XIV Simposio de Matematica y Educacion Matematica 2024. Universidad Antonio Nariño sede Federmann, with Dr. David Uribe Suarez y Dr. Osvaldo Rojas Velazquez as moderators; in person and virtual, 16 de Febrero de 2024
Stone walling practice in northern Philippines: Locating ‘mathematics’ within indigenous epistemology. American Mathematical Society Special Session on Epistemologies of the South and the Mathematics of Indigenous Peoples I, Joint Mathematics Meetings, Moscone South Center, San Francisco, USA 3-6 January 2024
Reflections on the Significance of Indigenous Education and Development, A Panel Discussion. On the occasion of the launching of the Master Program in Indigenous Education and Development. Kathmandu University, School of Education, Kathmandu, Nepal, 3-4 May 2023. Hosted by Kathmandu University in collaboration with the University of British Columbia, Center for Indigenous Peoples Research and Development (CIPRED) and UNESCO Nepal.
I feel my knowledge is (still) important: Learning math and culture with elders and knowledge holders. Plenary talk at the ICMI Symposium on Mathematics Education and the Socio-Ecological, 20 March 2023. Online.
Two Educational Projects Informed by a Critical Ethnomathematics Perspective: Igorot and Roma Students Under the Shadow of Coloniality. 7th International Conference on Ethnomathematics, 7-10 December 2022 (with Melodee Pacio & Charoula Stathopoulou as co-authors)
Rethinking Tourism and What the Field of Ethnomathematics can Offer (invited Guest Speaker). 5th Philippine Research Conference on Tourism and Hospitality, 28-29 October 2022, organized by the Asian Institute of Tourism and the Department of Hotel, Restaurant and Institution Management, UP Diliman
Rehumanize, Transform, Decolonize: What do these mean and what do they entail in education and research? Keynote Speaker, “THEVELI 2022” International Conference on Research for Nation Building. Organized by the Maldives National University, 22-23 August 2022.
Coming together, research and desire in the field of ethnomathematics. 14th International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME-14), Topic Study Group 52, 11-18 July 2021 Shanghai, China.
State of Play: Indigenous Knowledge and the International Discourse on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services … and Ethnomathematics. Plenary lecture delivered at the 1st International Conference on Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Practices on December 4-6, 2019; organized by the College of Arts and Sciences of UP Manila in partnership with the National Museum of the Philippines.
Window as metaphor: framing the ethnomathematical research process (Invited Speaker). 1st International Seminar on Mathematics Teaching and Learning: Ethnomathematics in Teaching and Learning Process: What, Why and How? Organized by PPPPTK Matematika Yogyakarta, 22-25 October 2019, Grand Dafam Rohan Jogja, Indonesia.
Ethnomathematics and the Concept of Culture. Lecture delivered at Instituto Federal do Acre (IFAC), 27 July 2018, Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil. Organized by the IFAC Graduate School.
The Concept of Culture and its Challenge to Ethnomathematics. Paper presented at the 6th International Congress of Ethnomathematics, University of Antioquia, 8-13 July 2018, Medellin, Colombia.
Mathematical Mindsets, Worldviews and Ethnomathematics. Lecture presented at the MAPS College Workshop for K-12 Teachers, 10-11 September 2017. Organized by MAPS College, Male, Maldives.
An outsider’s reflections on Maori studies and Kaupapa Maori theory: Indigenous studies as a project of decolonization. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Cordillera Studies, 12-14 July 2017, Camp John Hay (Panel 40: Theorizing Indigenous Studies). Organized by the Cordillera Studies Center, UP Baguio, Baguio City, Philippines
Diverse Indigenous Languages, Diverse Mathematical Thinking. Plenary speech at the 2nd Malaysian Indigenous Peoples’ Conference on Education, 20-22 September 2016, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. Organized by the Dayak Bidayuh National Association, in collaboration with UNICEF Malaysia, the State Planning Unit – Chief Minister’s Department of Sarawak, Majlis Adat Istiadat Sarawak, Kadazandusun Language Foundation, SIL Malaysia, PACOS Trust, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, and Universiti Malaysia Sarawak.
“There’s a theory behind what we’re doing!” Ethnomathematics and Indigenous Peoples’ Education. Paper presented at the 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME-13), 24-31 July 2016, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Preparing Mathematics Teachers for a Culturally Responsive Education: the Case of the Gohang National High School as a Special School for the Conservation of the Ifugao Rice Terraces. 7th International Commission on Mathematical Instruction – East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education (ICMI EARCOME-7). May 11-15, 2015 at the Waterfront Hotel, Cebu, Philippines. Hosted and organized by the Philippine Council of Mathematics Teacher Educators (MathTEd), Inc. and the University of San Carlos.
Learning mathematics from cultural practice: Lessons from the experiences of several schools for indigenous students in the Philippines. 7th Annual International Conference on Mathematics Education & Statistics Education, 17-20 June 2013, Athens, Greece; sponsored by The Athens Institute for Education and Research Greece.
Ethnomathematics: Investigating the Interplay of Mathematics and Cultural Practice. Kapwa 3: Indigenous Knowledge in the Academe: Bridging local and global paradigms, 28-30 June 2012, UP Baguio
Indigenous Peoples’ Traditional Knowledge in Forest Management as Means for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation . Workshop on Indigenous Peoples, Marginalized Populations and Climate Change: Vulnerability, Adaptation and Traditional Knowledge, Hilton Hotel Reforma, Mexico City, 19-21 July 2011
Issues of Culture in Ethnomathematics. LOGOS, The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand, August 2009.
Mutual Interrogation as an Ethnomathematical Approach. Third International Congress on Ethnomathematics (ICEM3), Auckland, New Zealand, 12-16 February 2006.
Culture and Mathematics: Philosophical Perspectives from Anthropology and Ethnomathematics. Roundtable Discussion on Contributions from Other Disciplines (presented by B. Barton, co-author), International Conference on Mathematics Education (ICME 10), Copenhagen, July 2004.
Ethnomathematics and Epistemology. Roundtable Discussion. Second Brazilian Conference on Ethnomathematics, (CBEm2), Universidade Federao do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, Brazil, April 2004.
Connecting Indigenous Knowledge of Stone Walling and Water Management with Mathematics and its Implication to Indigenous Peoples' Education. 4th APRU Doctoral Students' Conference, Unibersidad Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico, August 2003.
Searching for Mathematical Ideas in Stone Walls. 26th International Congress of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia (MERGA), Deakind University, Geelong, Melbourne, Australia, July 2003.
A Methodology for Ethnomathematics. Second International Conference on Ethnomathematics (ICEM2), Ouro Preto, Brazil, August 2002.
Stone Walls and Mathematics: Searching for Connections. New Zealand Colloquium, The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand, December 2002.
Ethnomathematics and the Rice Terracing Practice in Northern Philippines. LOGOS 10, the University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand, September 2001.
Phone +6374 4427231
Email wvalangui@up.edu.ph
Address Governor Pack Road, 2600 Baguio City, Philippines
Google Scholar: bit.ly/3Pm7JX0